Voice Lessons

The Performer's Edge has many years of experience training singers of all ages. We offer both group voice lessons in-person and private voice lessons both in-person and online.

Private Lessons (online and in-person)

The Performer's Edge offers customized private voice lessons for all levels of expertise from ages 5 and older. We believe it is important to customize lessons for each individual student's specific needs. Our philosophy of learning is that a relaxed atmosphere in which a student feels free to experiment and make mistakes leads to the most productive and efficient learning. This results in confidence and joy in singing.

*Parents/Gaurdians of minors are invited to watch the student's lessons from the studio's viewing area.


$45 per 30 Minute Private Session
$80 per 60 Minute Private Session
$165 per Month (4 x 30 Minute Private Sessions)

Private Session times are limited and fill quickly. No discounts are given for private lessons.

All students are expected to read and abide by The Performer's Edge Rules and Regulations.

For more information about voice lessons, please contact us.

Group Voice Classes

Classes are each Monday and Saturday, and are held at our Plano Studio. Group classes allow students to sing solo in front of a small, live audience of their peers, promoting a healthy space for vocal and performance growth. Class is limited to 16 people, so you may be put on a waiting list.


$125 Monthly Fee (4 Monday or Saturday Classes Per Month)

*A discount is given to group voice students who are already taking acting classes at TPE or who have parents or siblings taking group voice classes with them.

All students are expected to read and abide by The Performer's Edge Rules and Regulations.

For more information about classes, please contact us.

Voice Lessons Acting Classes Focused Training